
Only testing locations on the following form, current as of 09/2023, will be authorized. If you have any questions, please call LifeWorks at 760-723-3056.

Download a list of Collection Site Locations.

Official Plan Notices

  • June 2016 Notice of Revised Summary Plan Description (En EspaƱol) – This is a notice of an updated copy of the Drug Testing Program Description as of July 1, 2016.
  • February 2008 Revised Testing Protocol – Effective March 1, 2008 the “Drug Testing Protocols” of the Definitions and Procedures/Drug Alcohol Policy of the NECA/IBEW Drug-Free Workforce Program has been amended to provide that once an employee presents themself at an authorized collection facility and completes a Chain-of-Custody form, the collection process must be completed before the employee leaves the collection facility.

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