Testing Requirements

Only testing locations on the following form, current as of 09/2023, will be authorized. If you have any questions, please call LifeWorks at 760-723-3056.

Download a list of Collection Site Locations.

Employees participating in the NECA/IBEW Drug-Free Workforce Program must provide urine specimens for initial, periodic/birthday, post-accident, and random drug testing. Employees not subject to collective bargaining are also required to be subject to random testing, except as prohibited by law. All Employees must additionally provide a breath alcohol test for post-accident testing.

Employees who fall under the DOT Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) regulations found in 49 CFR Part 382 must provide urine specimens in accordance with those rules for initial, reasonable suspicion (if drugs are suspected), post-accident, random, return to work, and follow-up testing. They must also provide a breath alcohol test for reasonable suspicion (if alcohol is suspected), post-accident, and random testing.

Urine samples will be tested for the following drug categories: marijuana, cocaine, the opiates, phencyclidine (PCP), and the amphetamines.

Refusal to take a required drug or alcohol test, or attempting to adulterate, dilute, or contaminate a urine specimen, will result in administrative action and may include termination by the Employer.

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