Know your current healthcare coverage!

Download Flyer.

We have just added this class to the schedule at the San Diego electrical training center! Spouses are invited!

“The San Diego Electrical Health & Welfare Trust is pleased to provide you with a presentation on Plan Benefits relating to your current Healthcare Coverage.  The presentation will include highlights outlining some of the benefits, rules and regulations, Plan provisions, cost-containment programs and relevant information specific to your Plan.”

Class dates; Wednesday, November 2, 2016, 5PM to 7PM – room 206
Class dates; Tuesday, November 8, 2016, 5PM to 7PM – room 201

Register online at, look under classes.

San Diego Electrical Training Center
4675 Viewridge Avenue, San Diego, CA 92123
Office: 858.569.6633 ext. 412, fax: 858.569.0624

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